More and more, voices are speaking out against the inhumane and dangerous practices in the modern Dressage world, namely that of Rolkur and RDL. While disturbing, it is important to face the facts in regards to how so many people force their horses and cause irreparable damage.
Dominique has been a voice against these cruel practices for years; it is a relief to see others finally begin to step forward. His next book, set to publish in the spring, speaks to the rules of the FEI and how modern competition blatantly goes against the rules in regards to horse safety and correct dressage principles.
Thank you for speaking out, Mr. Barbier. Much respect for you.
Thank you for your support!
It was nothing but the hand of God that led me to book studies of the classical masters in the north woods of Wisconsin and to a deep, profound respect for your work. Lungeing, work in hand, shoulder-in, haunches-in ~ the beautiful bond of harmony and oneness, of floating through space in a dance of lightness only we understood, just he and I, in pastures of peace and beauty with pretty flowers in our hair. Art is love, competition is not, I heard a wise one say. This proves it. I thank God above you are standing up for this inhumane treatment of the noblest of His creatures, Dominique. I thank God above you and Debra have created a sanctuary for the preservation of all things wise and wonderful ~ and beautiful ~ for these amazing creatures who throughout history have served us in profound ways. I bought your VHS tapes years ago and I’m going to get your DVDs now! Yay!
Thank you for such kind words and sentiment. Enjoy the DVDs as there is a wealth of knowledge to be discovered within them! And if you wish to receive personal instruction at this time, Dominique is currently teaching virtual lessons and has a couple of spaces free for new students. Send an email to Debra at barbierfarm@aol.com if this interests you! Be well.
Where are you in Wisconsin? I’m here also and would like to talk about training methods