Our Philosophy
Dominique on partnership:
Developing a loving partnership with our horse, one that allows for “co-creation”—combining and renewing our own abilities with those of our horse in an effort to discover and share brilliance and light—begins with our intention. Intention demands that we examine our life, our motives, and our way of being. My friend, the photographer, Keron Psillas, has a saying: “We photograph as we are.” Well, we ride as we are…we live our life as we are. Becoming aware of who we are is an ongoing process of refinement, like peeling away the layers of an onion. And everything we touch in the course of our life reflects that process—which layer is exposed at any given time.
In my own life, each time I have thought I have uncovered something new about myself—about my consciousness—I have been excited to share it with my horses. But I have always discovered that they are already “there.” They are not only helping us to achieve our highest transformation, they are waiting for us when we arrive at each stop on the journey, when we negotiate each turn on the path.
Going forward, as you meditate on your relationship with your horse, with others, with yourself, remember your breathing and intent. When you go to the barn to see your horse, arrive with a smile. Bring the joy with you that your horse so often gives you so it will be amplified when you are together. We can call this amplified joy many things: a “heart connection,” healing, transformation, togetherness. As I have discovered during my journey this lifetime, it is molecular change that leads to a higher energy frequency, a “vibration of love” that enables us to achieve a greater sense of oneness with our horse.
Our horses help us to discover and amplify this molecular change. They assist us in our transformation. But this teaching goes beyond our relationship with our horses. It will ripple into all areas of your life: in fact, it will be impossible not to change your life as you will have transformed yourself through your intention and the partnership of your horse. Honor the gift your horse is waiting to give you. Be present with him. Joy is waiting; beauty is waiting. It is there for all of us to experience.