The beauty of the age of technology is that you can bring Dominique and his teachings right to your doorstep! You now have the option to continue your classical education and training from the comfort of your own home. This is a fantastic option for those who are not in a position to travel, as well as a great supplement for those who already ride with him. Our mission is to make studying with Dominique as accessible as possible to anyone who wishes to learn.
We are pleased to announce that Dominique is now offering VIRTUAL PRIVATE LESSONS over the web. Visit the page to find out exactly how to sign up. Lessons take place over Zoom, either in real-time or by watching a previous video, depending on your internet connection.

His team is also developing JOURNEY TO LIGHTNESS, an online member-based subscription that will be available to the public shortly!
This subscription service is designed for your education and enjoyment. It contains footage as recent as this year, as well as archived footage from over 25 years ago.
The subscription is set up for anyone to join — no previous training necessary. (However, we always recommend reading Dressage for the New Age as your starting point). The subscription will also include exclusive access to a members-only online forum; a place to connect with other like-minded horsemen and women, moderated by Dominique and the team at Barbier Farm.