a symposium review from a two-time participant

Our intention has always been to create a transformative experience for horse and rider during clinics or the Symposium here at Barbier Farm. We are happy to have this proof of what we know happens here…. Join us for our next event in February 2016. Click the link above!

~Amities, Dominique and Debra

At his clinics Dominique Barbier shares his insights and examples of enlightened horsemanship in a format and learning environment designed for seeking and discovery.  The symposiums are set apart by their complement of riding clinic and lectures on diverse topics, with abundant space for questions and answers.  A light happy horse in constant partnership and communication with its rider is the goal of this training and what you will likely observe in the clinic portion, where horses from all walks of life perform exceptionally and in relaxation. As a participant in one of the symposiums, I found that Dominique’s expansive response to a single question about my horse’s behavior led to a lasting change in my relationship with that horse, from one of mutual inattention and mistrust to one of quiet confident partnership.  Another participant, who rode in the symposium on a Barbier Farm Lusitano, was so moved by the stallion’s generosity that at the close of his ride he was brought literally to tears, and the entire audience with him.  This is classical training that synthesizes the theoretical, practical, and empathic, a unique experience that can be truly transformative. Not to be missed.”  ~ Jane Otto, New Jersey


11th Classical Series Symposium report

It was another stellar event! Though we were concerned about our neighbors who have suffered terrible losses from the fires, we were, thankfully safe and sound. Here are a couple of images from the three days…all showing engaged riders, happy horses, and Dominique in fine form.

Make plans to join us in late February on the 19th, 20th, and 21st, as we hold our 12th Classical Series Symposium. They get better each time with greater depth and participation. Join us! Click the link here!


Still room in the 11th Classical Series Symposium for Auditors!

It’s going to be a tremendous event….lots of demonstrations, hands-on learning. And come see the new stallions! The harvest is nearly finished in the Valley, but there is lots to do and see, beginning with all the lectures and teaching from Dominique. This is a unique opportunity to greatly increase your depth of understanding of in-hand technique and how that works to improve all your riding objectives. Compassionate, sustainable, honorable and enlightened horsemanship. That’s our goal, our mantra, our raison d’être! Join us! Click on the links above to register….and then plan to join us in Portugal for Golegã. There are just a few spots left. Amities, Dominique and Debra

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