by Keron Psillas | Nov 30, 2014 | blog information, Classical Dressage Symposium, Equestrian Tourism in Portugal and Spain, Holiday products |
Here is our latest email blast. Have a look….and click on all the tabs above to discover what is new here at Barbier Farms. Debra and I are back from a wonderful, though rainy, trip to Portugal to attend the Lusitano Fair at Golegã. The rain kept everyone a little wet around the edges but did not dampen our spirits. It was wonderful to see friends…all a little older (aren’t we all?) but enjoying life with the Lusitano. Debra and I hope you will join us next time for all the fun and gorgeous horses!
Remember, the February Symposium will be here before we know it! We’ll take a little time off for family celebrations over the Holidays, but will be back at work preparing for the 10th Classical Series Symposium. It will be the most rewarding event yet! Click on the tab above to register.
Finally, there is still time to order your Saddle at the 2014 price. We haven’t changed our price for years, but we’ll be forced to do just that in the New Year….so don’t delay! Contact Debra to have your dream saddle arrive! (

by Keron Psillas | Nov 2, 2014 | Brazil equestrian trips, Classical Dressage Symposium, Equestrian Tourism in Portugal and Spain |
Hello Friends,
Debra and I have just returned from Brasil where visited all the breeding farms and attended the International Lusitano Expo in Sao Paulo….at a new venue! The facility at the Hipica Paulista was tremendous, but it was even better to see old friends and the progression of the young horses we saw last year and the year before. Rocas do Vouga was named Best Breeder for the 5th year in a row. Congratulations to Manuel, Thereza, Raul, Carlos, Edneu, and all the team for Rocas do Vouga!
After a clinic in New Jersey, we’ll be headed to Portugal with our guests for the Festival in Golegã! Click on the link above to see what you will be missing. This way you’ll be sure to plan to join us next time!!!
We’ve added dates in December for our clinics….have a look at the Clinic tab above. I’m looking forward to seeing friends old and new in Chicago, Colorado, and Minnesota! If you are interested in hosting a clinic for 2015, please be in touch! Dates are limited and the calendar fills quickly. And we have announced the date for the February Symposium…our 10th in the Classical Series. Click the tab above (February Symposium) for all the information.
Until then….Amities….DB