We’ve just finished the best-ever Classical Series Symposium. Thank you to all our participants and guests, and of course our marvelous team! We hosted guests from as far away as New Zealand and China…and many folks from Canada and the midwest looking to escape the cold for a bit. Well, it wasn’t frigid, but it sure was rainy. No matter, we all had a great time learning, dining, visiting with old friends and making new ones! Here’s a gallery of images from the weekend. Soon we’ll post a bit of video as well. We’ll be announcing the date for the next Symposium within the week.
AND….just to make you really excited, we are going to have a trip to Golegã (the amazing centuries-old festival of the Lusitano in Portugal) this year! Tentative dates are November 1 through 14…..mark your calendar. Details and sign-up page coming within the week.