Ramana Vieira, joining us for Saturday night!

Ramana Vieira, joining us for Saturday night!

We are thrilled to let you know that Ramana Vieira, internationally recognized vocalist, will be joining us Saturday night. She’ll enchant us with her interpretations of her favorite Fados. You don’t want to miss this….and bring a friend! There are auditor and guest spots still available. Click on the February Symposium tab above to reserve your spot. See you soon!


One day left for great hotel rate during Symposium!

One day left for great hotel rate during Symposium!

Hurry! There’s less than 24 hours left to get a fantastic rate at the Dry Creek Inn, Healdsburg. They’ve extended their great pricing to us until midnight tonight, Pacific Time. Click on the Symposium tab above for all the information. And don’t forget to ask for the Barbier Farm rate! Here’s the number: 1-800-222-5784 or 707-433-0300

Topics for the 12th Classical Series Symposium include:
~When does a horse ‘give’ his back
~All the steps in canter from starting the young horse to pirouettes
~Are you imparting your psychological stress to your horse?
~Understanding the Barbier Extreme Shoulder-In

Reception and Dinner on Saturday the 20th…in the barn, weather permitting. Don’t miss this great event!


Golegã trip report

As bad as the weather was last year, this year entirely made up for it! Wow! Sun and warmth and just the right cooling off in the evening kept us all, and the horses, comfortable! We had wonderful days of touring medieval castles, monasteries and Abbeys, some Sopa da Pedra in Almeirim (among many delightful meals), stayed in some marvelous pousadas and a castle or two, and even met the brother of a dear family friend from Healdsburg. It truly is a very small world.

One of the most touching moments of the trip was watching Mestre Luis Valença on horseback after an hiatus of many years. Everyone in the crowd was moved. Parabens, Mestre! He was flanked by two of his daughters and two of his grandchildren, Ines and Luis, both doing very well as young riders in Portugal, both for the family spectacles and in European dressage competitions. Congratulations to the entire family.

Riding for Mestre Luis and the Centre Equestre de Leziria Grande, Paulo Sergio Perdigao gave a wonderful long reining demonstration that was also a crowd favorite. Paulo Sergio is a long-time rider with the Portuguese National School of Equestrian Art. We have had the pleasure to watch him on both occasions when the Four Schools performed in Paris.

The champion three year old stallion was shown in hand by our friend, Carlos Oliveira, for owners who are friends from France. The champion, Hippus, was bred by Manuel Braga at Sociedade das Silveiras. Parabens para tudos!

And the best part? Faisao Vaz Freire, a grandson of Larapio, was Champion of Champions for Golegã 2015. And…another Larapio grandson was ridden to second place (72.39%) in the Grand Prix Kur by Rodrigo Torres of Torres Vaz Freire…and yet another Larapio grandson, Zimbro, took fourth place in the Kur, ridden by Maria Amaral, with a score of 67.80%. Congratulations to our friends at Torres Vaz Freire for a marvelous showing.

Enjoy the gallery of images from Keron Psillas…and make plans to join us next year. We can’t guarantee the weather, but we absolutely will guarantee a marvelous experience! Thank you to Rita Fernandes and Jose Neves for two of the photos below.


Not too early to plan……BRASIL, May 2016

We are already thinking about our May trip to Brasil. Each day, when we go to the barn to work with our newest breeding stallions, Bailado do Top and Xihao AR, I am reminded of the wonderful horses that are available in Brasil…especially with the dollar at an historic high. Make plans now (perhaps a special Christmas gift to yourself???) and join us in the warmth and hospitality of Brasil. Lots of riding, beautiful farms, lovely people….all combine to make this a marvelous trip. Click on the link above for Brasil in 2016 for all the information.

a symposium review from a two-time participant

Our intention has always been to create a transformative experience for horse and rider during clinics or the Symposium here at Barbier Farm. We are happy to have this proof of what we know happens here…. Join us for our next event in February 2016. Click the link above!

~Amities, Dominique and Debra

At his clinics Dominique Barbier shares his insights and examples of enlightened horsemanship in a format and learning environment designed for seeking and discovery.  The symposiums are set apart by their complement of riding clinic and lectures on diverse topics, with abundant space for questions and answers.  A light happy horse in constant partnership and communication with its rider is the goal of this training and what you will likely observe in the clinic portion, where horses from all walks of life perform exceptionally and in relaxation. As a participant in one of the symposiums, I found that Dominique’s expansive response to a single question about my horse’s behavior led to a lasting change in my relationship with that horse, from one of mutual inattention and mistrust to one of quiet confident partnership.  Another participant, who rode in the symposium on a Barbier Farm Lusitano, was so moved by the stallion’s generosity that at the close of his ride he was brought literally to tears, and the entire audience with him.  This is classical training that synthesizes the theoretical, practical, and empathic, a unique experience that can be truly transformative. Not to be missed.”  ~ Jane Otto, New Jersey