Bailado do Top – For Spring 2022….FRESH COOLED SEMEN AVAILABLE!
Debra’s pride and joy. Guarding the heritage of the best Brasilian Lusitano bloodlines has been the goal of Dominique and Debra’s breeding program since its inception. Now we have the last, and best, of the Afiancado bloodline here with us in the US. This is your opportunity to breed to a horse with the best movement, temperament, and classic Lusitano attributes available. And for the icing on the cake, Bailado is a stunning buckskin that throws a lot of color.

Did you know?
Did you know that our Larapio shares a grandsire with the legendary Afiancado de Flandes? Maravilha is a foundation horse for the best Lusitanos, as Larapio and Afiancado have become. And our Bailado do Top is a grandson of Afiancado. At least we are consistent in our love of functionality, expression, and great temperament! What better investment could you make for your Lusitano foal than to breed with SIX GENERATIONS of Proven Excellence?

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